Improve IEP Accommodations
Improve special education student accommodations so they are more integrated and accessible within the school building. About 25% of students use this program.
The special education department at Northeast provides educational support to students who cannot make effective progress in the regular academic program and are below grade level in academic subject areas as designated on an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Services are available to students on a referral basis in accordance with state and federal regulations. Students needing special education services are offered modified programs of instruction while being fully
integrated within academic and CVTE programs.
Approximately 25% of the student population follows an IEP, but no substantially separate programs are offered. Dedicated special education spaces that provide support services are all located in one pair of suites in the south-west corner of the facility which presents two physical issues: all support spaces are in one location; and, that location is not central to the rest of the school. These conditions create significant obstacles for small group or individualized learning, and have a tendency to marginalize and possibly stigmatize this student population. Dispersed learning support spaces are needed throughout the school to effect a fully integrated special education model. There are no spaces for physical or occupational therapy, speech therapy, social/ emotional learning, conferencing, or intake meetings.
As part of NEMT’s educational plan, the design of the new building will allow for support spaces throughout the building providing students who follow an IEP with an effective learning environment. Proposed support spaces that will be incorporated into the design of the project include small group reading, math, speech, and English language. The building will also be designed to contain special education and resource rooms.