The design team has reviewed options for reducing energy consumption. NEMT created a Sustainability Subcommittee for the project who reviewed proposed energy-efficient options identified by the design team. As part of MSBA’s Green Schools Program, the Project was designed to pursue Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certification with an additional 2% reimbursement (on eligible construction costs) from MSBA for energy efficiency exceeding 20% of the Mass energy code. The design team has incorporated the following “green” features into the design of the project:
- “All-Electric” Building Energy (design will still include a gas service to kitchen areas and spaces for educational purposes)
- All LEED prerequisites (construction pollution prevention, metering, minimum air quality performance, water use reduction, storage and collection of recyclables, etc.)
- Rainwater management
- Heat island reduction
- Light pollution reduction
- Outdoor/Indoor water use reduction (low GPF fixtures, etc.) beyond prerequisite levels
- Enhanced water metering & Advanced energy metering
- Enhanced commissioning
- Enhanced refrigerant management
- Selection of materials that reduce building life cycle impact
- Building products disclosure and optimization for material ingredients
- Construction and demolition waste managementIndoor environmental quality
- Building has been structurally sized to incorporate the future weight of solar panels
- EV car charging stations
The NEMT project team is working closely with the Wakefield Municipal Gas and Light Department (WMGLD) on coordinating the construction of the new “all-electric” school
building with WMGLD’s energy park. WMGLD’s energy park includes creating a microgrid that will use a combination of energy storage equipment, rooftop solar, natural gas
generator, and connection to the Town of Wakefield’s main utility service. In lieu of gas powered equipment in the building, the design includes all electric equipment powered
by solar energy harvested from the rooftop solar panels.
Please Click Here for a video overview of the WMGLD Energy Park and partnership with the Northeast Metro Tech and Wakefield High School projects.